My Next Flash Project will be a Flash RPG, using Examples and Refrence on Phrozenflame RPG and the FLA on PF2 as well, I'm hoping to make this as long as possible, Now I'm taking this slowly and I am still Concept phase, it'll contain a Level up system, the Story will be based on my series BW, a origin you could call it, at this point, I would like experiment once I try to learn the codes such as leveling up, Speaking of RPG's Phrozenflame 2 is already out Which will be Newgrounds soon (and might be posted on my end depending on What LenZ is doing) I would like to say I wasn't Directly involved in this, the only thing I had in this was my Battle system, The title of Menai Chronicles is at the bottom and what do you think about it?
Also on a Side note, I also do abit of Machinima for abit of fun around
v=Q__A_P9ASFs =Gxse7MO8XOM
Yes I like Brawl thank you very much =p it's a awesome Game nuff said, Anyway that's all I say at this point, good byes
...are you still here?
Sounds like it's gonna be one hell of a game! XD You should post up some screenies when you get a good chunk of it done. Please excuse me while I go check out PF2 =)