Pretty deep
It's not the Animation Quality but it's message is what makes this very interesting
Pretty deep
It's not the Animation Quality but it's message is what makes this very interesting
Simple and interesting
A Good use for a Intro with enough details to know what's happening and it's Characters Jazz ^^ good use for the 45 seconds
Thanks cuz, yup hehe apparently if you helped me start getting serious with flash 2 years ago and didn't know what was going on I needed to say something XD
At least you HAVE a release date
Think about others for once >_>
Good Animation
While it's Japanese, but I'll let that slide XD, random on it's humor, not much to say about it, so overall, it was a good class Project, I wonder what you got for it
Half and Half
I can't say this is the Best Aniamtion yet, but I won't say it's the Worse either, but I'll just say what I can, the animation, it's in Sprite form, but it goes by away too fast, the Sprite animation is good, but don't make things too fast, the humor is the Randomness which is enjoyable XD although 4mb is abit too big for something that's about 1 or 2 minutes
Have you tried Steaming Sounds? it works
to make it easier, you have great Potentional ^^
Cute, Funny and meaning
A funny and yet workful combination, it's nice to see some people take this concept seriously XD but yeah, while animation was simple, but we shouldn't expect big explosions or fights, no this is just a talk flash, over something important, Nice job ^^ and you might have a interesting concept for Newgrounds XD I recommend more
I hope you got a A+++ XDD
Total win
When I heard the news, I was abit surprised, but I do like how you made this total in a funny way XD Nice Job ^^
Quick question, where did you get that Newgrounds intro (that goes after the preloader) I'm seeing it almost everywhere n
I found the NG opening on the internet and it's no longer where it was when I found it.
Thanks for the review and I'm glad you like the movie.
Very good
your Artwork is very detailed and realistc Detail, I like where this leading, at first galance I thought it was around the same as the game "Dead Rising" but never the less,
a Flash worth viewing, and I hope to see more into the Future, I recommend you work abit on the voices, then everything is perfect
Not Worth my time
but being a Resident Evil liker of the past years I would like to point out some facts about this whole Racist problem, and prove it's just a load of crap
1. the Setting, it's based on a Afraican setting, and according to info, they are using the heat as a source, how else would they make the Setting right? you don't see Japanese people in Afraica now do you? the place as much chance as anywhere else
2. the Infection, did you care to notice that when that guy is seziuring, there's tears of blood in his eyes? and before then, some people ran away in fear? you don't see Chris attack the people running away now do you? it means that the infected Victums are attacking Chris, not the people themselves, now if Capcom make it that the whole people are the main reason for the chaos in the all the games or made it that the Dark skin people were the source of the Virus and hate everyone and viceversa, then that's a Different Story and would be racist indeed, but they are infected in this game, and Racist's got nothing to do with Infection
3. Plot, People over this crap really don't take notice of the Series characters, Chris is in the place for a REASON and if anyone cared, it's most likely Wesker's involvement, as well as that Female character (who's else Sherry or Alexia from what I know)
in Conlusion: this whole Racists thing is take in the wrong term in this game, and the game taking a beating it's not deserving, I hope people really care and read this
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Age 37, Male
A Courier
Prison Colony
Joined on 2/11/04